Australian Consumer Data Right API Guide

The Wise CDR API is aimed for Data Recipients (DR) who have been accredited by the CDR Registrar to participate in the CDR Federation. Entities or individuals who are not part of the CDR federation are welcome to check out our Public API.

The Wise CDR API is a collection of RESTful APIs that enable authorised Software Products to access account information and confirm availability of funds on behalf of Wise customers. The API implementation follows the Australian Consumer Data Standards. Wise is a Data Holder within the CDR Federation. As a Data Holder, Wise authenticates the customer and through the authorization process, allows Data Recipients to access the customer's data via published APIs.

As a financial institution, Wise supports the Banking, Common and Admin APIs.

The URI Structure for the API is as defined in the standard. We have separated the holder path for unauthenticated and authenticated endpoints. This separation is present in the sandbox environment as well.

Holder path for authenticated endpoints in Sandbox

Holder path for unauthenticated endpoints in Sandbox

Holder path for authenticated endpoints in Production

Holder path for unauthenticated endpoints in Production

The convention for HTTP headers, response codes, payload fields and data types are as defined in the CDR High Level Standards.

In order to connect to the Wise CDR Banking API:

  • It is necessary to be accredited as a Data Recipient to participate in the CDR Federation. Accreditation is performed by the CDR Registrar.
  • The accredited Data Recipient may have multiple Software Products to support multiple services or applications.
  • We are using mutualTLS as the means for authentication. The client certificate for the Data Recipient should be provided from the Register CA.

For a detailed description of requirements and supported algorithms please check out the OpenID Provider Configuration URL.

OpenID Provider Configuration URL in Sandbox

OpenID Provider Configuration in Production

We currently support the OIDC Hybrid Flow.

We highly recommend that you get started with connecting to our sandbox first, before moving on to production. We connect our sandbox environment to the CDR Sandbox ecosystem. The Sandbox CDR portal should be used to create a new sandbox Data Recipient.

The Software Statement can be generated using the Sandbox Data Recipient portal.

Sandbox Test User

You can sign up for a test user account here The 2FA code used for any subsequent logins to the sandbox will alway be 111111.

You'll be asked to set up a developer account by filling in your profile information. Once this is done, you'll see that your newly created profile comes with a couple of test accounts opened and some test funds in them.

You do NOT need to create an API Token via the web interface in case your intention is to use this test user for the CDR flow.

What is product reference data?

Product reference data is information about the products and services that we offer to customers in Australia. Product reference data includes information about the features, fees, eligibility criteria, and terms and conditions of Wise products.

Who can access the Wise product reference data?

The Wise product reference data APIs are accessible by any member of the public, or organisation. Requests to access Wise product reference data can be made using a product reference data request, which is accessible through the Wise CDR Banking APIs.

Get Products URL in Sandbox

CDR Banking Get Products URL in Production

Example Request
curl -k --location --request GET '' --header 'x-v: 3'
Example Response
"data": {
"products": [
"productId": "WiseMCA",
"lastUpdated": "2022-02-09T13:35:06Z",
"productCategory": "TRANS_AND_SAVINGS_ACCOUNTS",
"name": "Wise Multi Currency Account",
"description": "",
"brand": "Wise",
"brandName": "Wise",
"isTailored": false,
"additionalInformation": {
"overviewUri": "",
"termsUri": "",
"eligibilityUri": "",
"feesAndPricingUri": ""
"cardArt": [
"title": "",
"imageUri": ""
"links": {
"self": "",
"first": "",
"next": "",
"last": ""
"meta": {
"totalRecords": 1,
"totalPages": 1