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Is currency route supported?

If we don't support a route then this endpoint will respond with an error code "error.route.not.supported".

How much does a transfer cost?

The Wise fee is included in the response.

How long does my transfer take?

Estimated delivery time is included in the response. This can vary quite a lot for different currency routes. For example transfers often only take a few hours from EUR to GBP, while sending money from USD can take 1-2 business days. This endpoint allows you to find out the estimated delivery time for each currency route.

See more at Creating Temporary Quote

Example Request
curl -X POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"targetCurrency":"GBP","targetAmount":600,"sourceCurrency":"EUR"}' \
--user <your api client_id>:<your api client_secret>
Example Response
"sourceCurrency": "EUR",
"targetCurrency": "GBP",
"targetAmount": 600,
"clientId": "unknown",
"createdTime": "2022-10-25T10:03:22Z",
"expirationTime": "2022-10-25T10:33:22Z",
"funding": "POST",
"guaranteedTargetAmount": false,
"guaranteedTargetAmountAllowed": true,
"notices": [],
"payOut": "BANK_TRANSFER",
"paymentOptions": [
"allowedProfileTypes": ["PERSONAL", "BUSINESS"],
"disabled": false,
"estimatedDelivery": "2022-10-25T10:03:22Z",
"estimatedDeliveryDelays": [],
"feePercentage": 0.0048,
"formattedEstimatedDelivery": "in seconds",
"payInProduct": "CHEAP",
"payOut": "BANK_TRANSFER",
"price": {
"items": [
"label": "Our fee",
"value": {
"amount": 3.32,
"currency": "EUR",
"label": "3.32 EUR"
"priceSetId": 132,
"total": {
"type": "TOTAL",
"label": "Total fees",
"value": {
"amount": 3.32,
"currency": "EUR",
"label": "3.32 EUR"
"sourceAmount": 691.85,
"sourceCurrency": "EUR",
"targetAmount": 600,
"targetCurrency": "GBP"
"providedAmountType": "TARGET",
"rate": 0.871426,
"rateExpirationTime": "2022-10-27T14:59:59Z",
"rateTimestamp": "2022-10-25T10:02:42Z",
"rateType": "FIXED",
"status": "PENDING",
"targetAmountAllowed": true,
"type": "REGULAR"