Balance Limits

Certain countries have regulatory hold limits, please speak to the implementation manager to know if your integration applies.




To mitigate any risks that the hold limits are breached, we have 2 APIs that should be integrated.

  1. Check the deposit limit - Use the balance capacity API to check the deposit limits of a balance before making a top up to a balance. Only top up the balance by the deposit limit amount or less.

  2. Set an excess money account - Set an excess money account to the profile so that any excess money (money that exceeds the limit) will be transferred out of the Wise balance at the end of the day.

GET /v1/profiles/{{profileId}}/balance-capacity

This endpoint allows a user to check how much money they are able to deposit in their balance based on regulatory limits.

It is useful for personal profiles located in countries that have hold limits.

We advise to call this API before depositing money into an account if the profile is located in Singapore or Malaysia.

Request Parameters

Currency code (ISO 4217 Alphabetic Code) - The deposit limit will be returned in this currency


True if there is a regulatory hold limit for that profile's country


Amount of money that can be added to the account


Currency code (ISO 4217 Alphabetic Code) of money that can be added to the account. Specified in the request

Example Request
curl -X GET{{profileId}}/balance-capacity?currency=SGD \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
Example Response
"hasLimit": true,
"depositLimit": {
"amount": 2000.00,
"currency": "SGD"

POST /v1/profiles/{profileId}/excess-money-account

If a balance goes over the regulatory hold limit, we need to automatically move the excess amount to another account at the end of the day.

To do this, we require a recipient where the money will be moved to be added to the profile.

This API is primarily used for SG and MY customers.


ID of the recipient for excess money transfers (Recipient)



ID of the profile


ID of the recipient for excess money transfers

Example Request
curl -X POST{profileId}/excess-money-account \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token> \'
-d '{
"recipientId": 148393305
Example Response
"userProfileId": 12321323,
"recipientId": 148393305